Category Archives: Inspiration

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【簡約主義的法式浪漫】Marisa – Inspiration

“Simplicity is never a matter of circumstances. Simplicity is always a matter of focus.” 攝影師與Marisa 到了一處古典優雅的西式建築拍攝一輯輕婚照。柔和的光線配合JE bridal atelier 簡約利落的輕婚紗,遊走於白色為主調的線條之間,感覺清新舒服。室內拍攝部分,挑選了粉藍色的背景紙,加上化妝師Jennifer 歐美的妝容,L’atelier de bon 獨特設計的珍珠耳環,彷佛是一幅幅訴說簡約之美的畫作。 Photo by 婚紗攝影師 Tomek Cheung Photographer: Tomek

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【英式午後的私人時光】Kayla – Inspiration

“Slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures in life. ” 在繁忙的工作中,給自己一個休閒的午後時光。攝影師構想了一輯獨特而多樣化的Bridal shoot,在舒適愜意的個人 studio 內拍攝了兩個小場景。花藝師 Atelier Olive 在小圓桌上擺設了精美的古董英式餐具及枱花,釋放一種優雅而放鬆的感覺。模特兒穿上 Noel Chu Atelier 的婚紗:Strapless 的白色輕婚紗及甜美的杏色蓬蓬裙,配上 Joman Wedding 裸色甜美或奢華高貴的妝髮,帶出模特兒不同個性的感覺,亦在室內空間呈現出多種的可能。 Photo by 婚紗攝影師 Tomek Cheung Photographer: Tomek Cheung /

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【The True Self of a calligrapher X a lawyer】 Stephanie – Inspiration

Featuring the soul girl behind Whale Whispers, Stephanie is not only a passionate calligrapher but a professional barrister in the daytime. Tomek’s Team:‍ “We always want to curate a styled

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【唯美簡約的概念寫真】Suet Yiu – Inspiration (Studio)

簡約唯美是這次拍攝的主題,在全白色的室內場景內,只有一張小圓桌上,桌上放上花瓶及擺設,一張歐式的木椅,一束鮮花,所有東西都是襯托Suet Yiu。甜美的妝容,隨性的姿態,展現了唯美的少女感覺。”One of the most exciting things that’s happened to me is to meet somebody make that connection.” 所有元素都互相串連,色系、光線、質感,感恩遇到的每一單位,各人都在自己的位置上發揮所長,建立了這美麗的圖畫。 Photographer: Tomek Cheung / Makeup & Hairstyling: Karen Liu Makeup /

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【甜美可愛的戶外概念寫真】Suet Yiu – Inspiration (Outdoor)

西式花園帶給人浪漫的感覺,讓人覺得心目中的意中人,會在這裡相遇。”In the garden of memory, in the palace of dreams that is where you and I shall meet. ” 每處地方也有無限的想像。一開始Suet Yiu 是放下一頭長髮,在羅馬式的石椅與石柱中拍攝,像是等待意中人的到來。接下來化妝師把Suet Yiu的長髮束起來,增添了可愛的感覺,在灰白的水泥牆背景中穿梭,到了花園內的小迷宮,像與情人玩一個捉迷藏的遊戲。這樣巧妙的髮型轉換,卻帶來了兩種不同的感覺。 Photographer: Tomek Cheung / Makeup & Hairstyling: Karen

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Fiona – Inspiration

Photographer: Tomek Cheung / Makeup & hairstyling: Karen Liu Makeup / Wedding gown: Alisha & Lace Hong Kong / Florist: Naomi’s inflorescence / Graphic design: Counterclockwise / .More Wedding Photos

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Marie – Inspiration

Photographer: Tomek Cheung / Makeup & hairstyling: Karen Liu Makeup / Wedding gown: Alisha & Lace Hong Kong / Florist: Naomi’s inflorescence / Accessory: Norahs design / .More Wedding Photos

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