Tag Archives: Shek O


Fiona – Inspiration

Photographer: Tomek Cheung / Makeup & hairstyling: Karen Liu Makeup / Wedding gown: Alisha & Lace Hong Kong / Florist: Naomi’s inflorescence / Graphic design: Counterclockwise / .More Wedding Photos

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Zoe & Franco – Engagement

Photographer: Tomek Cheung / Makeup and hairstyling: Angelic Smile / Wedding gown & tuxedo: Infini Love Bridal / Florist: Studio2by2 / .More Wedding Photos on Blogs. .Portfolio of Wedding Photos.

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【大自然元素的活潑孕照】Stella & Andrew – Maternity

找到一位願意與你上山下海的人,是人生一大幸事,在安全為前提的情況下,我們到了不同的地點拍攝:特色小橋、懸崖海邊、彩色小屋、海灘、山頂草地,每一元素也充滿特色,也表現了準父母活潑好動的一面,全程輕鬆寫意的遊覽,拍下一張張動人的畫面。 .More Maternity Photos on Blogs. .Portfolio of Maternity Photos. .Portfolio of Family Photos.